Thursday, 4 June 2009








“Enough is Enough”: A Complaint and Our Response

I thought it would go against Belgravia’s outlook not to display the following correspondence between a member of the public and I. We are unsure who this person is so at present do not know for sure if the way he has identified himelf is accurate. He says he is a previous Belgravia client but we cannot find any record of his email address on our database and he also states he currently works for a ‘pharmaceutical research business specialising in hair loss technologies for an American drug company’. We will add any updates to this post should we find out.

Either way I thought this information would be useful and interesting to any of our readers or clients and may answer a few questions.

You will find ‘Mr Simpson’s’ email to Belgravia underneath so it’s probably better to start from the bottom.

Please note: We have reason to believe this person has provided a fake name and is connected to the manufacturers of one of the hair loss products that we have reviewed. He has since sent 2 emails with further comments, most of which are invalid. We have decided to refrain from publishing these emails which contain abuse targeted at The Belgravia Centre and me personally, and unresearched, manipulated information.

My Response:

Hi Mr Simpson

Thank you for your email.

The Belgravia Centre has been established for almost 20 years and we very rarely receive a complaint of this nature. In fact it is extremely seldom that we receive any form of complaint about our services. The centre is the largest single hair clinic in the UK, employing a team of more than fifty and has developed an excellent reputation for not only the expert and personal service it provides, but also for the very high level of success in stabilising and even reversing hair loss in both males and females. The Belgravia Centre is also the only UK hair care centre that has an in-house registered pharmacy that is managed by a fully qualified and registered pharmacist and a full time state-registered doctor.

Although you have not presented yourself with any address or telephone details, nor any references as to your position we are always appreciative of opinions regarding the content on our site and completely transparent.

It is myself that is in charge of all of the content on the website. I am 26 years old and a hair loss sufferer myself and have been researching hair loss treatments for the almost 6+ years that I have been employed here. I am also the son of the chairman Michael Harris.

Firstly I’ll say that I have absolutely no problem with you ‘CACHING’ our website pages. You are acting as if this is a threat, but we have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of or concerned about within our content. I feel very strongly about providing the public with accurate and precise information and that is exactly what we set out to do on our hair loss website.

You can look at our comments regarding other hair loss products and clinics as an attack if you wish, but the fact is we are providing factual information to the public so that they can make an informed decision of the products they wish to use going by the facts – not the information provided by the manufacturer of the product which is often (usually, in fact) inaccurate. Many friends of mine and people that have visited the centre have almost lost hope because of products they have purchased that don’t work. Most of these people will never bother trying an alternative once they’ve been let down more than once. Why should we sit back and let this happen when we are the experts, who know the facts and can offer a helping hand to people with lack of knowledge?

Our post on the Westminster Practice is in response to ongoing complaints about its owner and consultant, Gary Heron. We are very familiar with Heron because he previously worked as Belgravia’s clinic manager until he was dismissed for Gross Misconduct in 2001 when it was found out he was taking money from people’s credit card account without their consent. We hear reports of him carrying out this practice at his new centre. This is something I was well aware of when I joined Belgravia and this experience, as well as many other similar ones, is the reason that I personally set out to offer a different, more open and factual approach to the general public through our website in order to create awareness.

Belgravia are one of the only clinics to provide all of the medically proven prescription medications for hair loss – these are the treatments offered because these are the ones that work. We are completely against offering non-proven products as an individual treatment for hair loss because quite simply there is no evidence that they work and we frequently hear reports from previous users that they don’t.

About Belgravia’s ‘booster’ products (Hair Vitalics, Medroxyprogesterone and Azelaic Acid). Nowhere do we state that these are proven treatments, or that they are effective if used individually for the prevention of hair loss. We simply state that they ‘help to block DHT topically and complement the proven treatments’ or ‘help to maintain and improve the quality of the hair’. After reviewing this following your comments I am however planning to add some further information for MPG and Azelaic Acid regarding their lack of firm clinical evidence as I agree that descriptions of these products may not fit exactly with our description of other similar products and we do not want to give the impression that the information on our own products contradicts our reports on others.

We are sure that we are not breaking any rules so have no problem with you reporting us to whichever body you feel necessary. We do not advertise prescription medications, we advertise ‘The Belgravia Centre’. Our treatment courses frequently consist of non-prescription products and medications, and services for people who do not wish to use prescription medications or those with hair loss related to scalp problems so as I said, there are no rules being broken.

And regarding your comments about the LaserComb; before making such accusations you should get your facts right. Please refer to the following post regarding the FDA’s HairMax LaserComb clearance - LASERCOMB FDA CLEARANCE MISCONCEPTION. If you want to take this matter up with HairMax then please contact them directly.

Regarding the FDA – we are not pretending anything. We clearly state that they are an American body and there is no reason why we can’t or shouldn’t refer to their approval on – it’s something that is recognised by medical specialists world-wide.

May I ask what drug company you work for? And if there are any specific products you are researching?

As I said, I am always open to constructive suggestions for our site and the information we provide so if there is anything you feel is incorrect regarding a specific product or clinic please let me know and I will be happy to amend it if you are correct in your assessment.

Yours sincerely

Jonny Harris
Joint Managing Director

Original email from ‘Mr Simpson’:

To the Managing Director

As a science student losing his hair, I speak as one of a number of people i am sure, that is sick and tired of your company’s lofty attitude to the industry. Constantly attacking others businesses who you accuse of being scammers instead of just concentrating on your own business. I used to be a customer as well as now working in the pharmaceutical research business (specialising in hair loss technologies for an American drug company - actually doing real research) and know from the inside (as a customer) that you are just as commercial as anyone else and break as many laws in your own way. This email represents my own views and not that of my companys’, hense from a personal address. I just really dislike the way you do business and wish to tell you that.

I personally abhore the non-scientific way in which so many in the business of hairloss sell their products but find that your companty is barely any different except in the way in which you are openly hostile and critisise others when you have as much to be critised about yourselves.

You break so many rules it is jaw-dropping how you feel justified attacking others without any fear of recrimination. Perhaps this brazen attitude has grown over years of no-one reporting yourselves to the authorities or slating your company on their websites. Frankly more than anything else, i just want to know from a psychological perspective you justify this approach to yourselves? Do you beleive your own press? Is that it? Or do you think everone else is stupid and don’t know the law? Do you think if you attack enough and shout loud enough then people will assume you must be on the right side of the law in every respect or you’d be crazy to take that approach. I just cant figure it out.

So let me ask you some questions to get you thinking about what i’m thinking:

1. I beleive that you advertise unlicenced medicines without a marketing authorisation license. Is that true and if so, do you beleive that is legal? If you beleive it is not legal, why do you do it? and how do you dare critisise others for what they do if you beleive you have an aethical basis for selling the products which may work quite well but which you know are illegal to advertise for sale?

2. You state that your proprietory minoxidil preparations have regrowth effects (”boosters”). Are you planning to produce your clinical trials to substantiate your otherwise illegal claims. (ALL PAGES HAVE BEEN CACHED - I DIRECT YOU TO THE ASA RULING ON THIS MATTER)

3. The lasercomb (to take one example of your double standards with regard to products that do or do not meet your self-imposed standards) is not only a scam but one you profit from. I personally beleive that you know full well it is a scam. I think there once was a time (if not still today) when you sell time under laser lamps instore. There is no proof of efficacy at all for these devices. I invite you to do your research on what the device is actually FDA registered for (see wikipedia for one thing). None of this flimsy research data would get past the pre-clinicals - it is a joke that a company as stringent as yours purports to be on real efficaceous standards would sell this junk. In any event, even if you did beleive in these phoney trials, as you well know, the registration of FDA is irrelevant in the UK. The body of note in the UK is the MHRA. Why are you pretending you do not know this? Your advertising (ALL CACHED) of the lasercomb in this country is illegal in my view. As is the sale.

I could go on - i have cached all your your website - every page. Feel free to tell me you views on my email. As unlike youselves, it is not my style to go around bad-mouthing competitors or other scientists, and since really you have no impact on me other than you just annoy the hell out of me, I would like to know your plans before i make representations to the MRHA, ASA etc.


Mr A Simpson

This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 5th, 2009 at 12:00 pm and is filed under Hair Loss Awareness. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.





From: Andrew Simpson
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 19:01:25 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: a further email to the thread
Please note - this is a summary of an email sent to Mr Harris but written down by hand/memory for a record later. Therefore it may not be exactly identical but to all intense and purposes it reads here as it did when sent.

May i also add that Belgravia uses as far as I know laser machines for therepy sessions which of course are not proven medically (as far as I know) and certainly their website seems to offer UV light therepy. If there is one thing universally known in the science of dermatology is that UV light is damaging to skin cells which includes hair cell folicles. I would like to know what benefit UV light could possibly offer to patients with hair loss. Furthermore, what about the future growth of ‘age spots’ from hyperpigmentation through the use of these lamps. Should a patient lose all their hair when in their 50’s, would they not prefer a young looking skin on their scalp? It is my personal view that Belgravia are ignorant of joined up treatment and are as commercial as most other practices. It is about time they came off thier high horse. It may be their more educated, senior and wise chairman made an error appointeing who i beleive to be a cock-sure young-buck a free rein to cause havoc amongst a community of fragile sufferers and small businesses altready navigating the line between offering helpful if not proven products with regulators that prevent them from replying in a fashion they most surely would if they had the arrogance of youth it seems the younger Mr Harris benefits/suffers from.

Disclaimer: All these views are my own personal opinions. I do not intend to defame either the employees owners or the companies mentioned at all. I wish to exercise my freedom of speech and have tried to be balanced. If this is published and the people involved wanted a right to reply i would have no objection and the decision would be with the site owner who publishes to let that happen.

Dear Mr Harris,

Of course as a commercial business it is self-serving. Publishing only the first in a series of emails provided an opportunity to appear transparent and magnanimous and an opportunity to reply. However the subsequent emails were not published. the best chance of this comment being published is probably to suggest ‘they wouldn’t dare’ but now i have stolen this opportunity to continue the pretense of unswerving probity.

I notice the author of this blog has an ongoing complaint about Mr Heron of the Westminster Clinic. He speaks of the use of implication and marketing puff to suggest he is a bigger company than he is. One ‘crime’ is apparently to work from serviced offices (copy of this post to the Business Centre Association of Great Britain) but curiously the author points to the semantics of the phrase ‘one of our trichologists’ yet elsewhere Mr Heron is accused of having no training. I ask the author, What is a trichologist? Is there any medical or pharmaceutical training or medical qualification involved? Or is it just a polysyllabic job title of senior-sounding medical or biological standing. My friend who happens to be a bus driver for london transport has a biology degree and is technically more qualified and more matriculally suitable for hair medical services.

Mr Harris, it is about being disingenuious. I am sure you receive the same complaints as any laser hair comb quack but dont publish them. Offered the oppotunity to make your blog public so you cannot monitor and edit your content you seemingly declined by inaction. But no doubt your turn will come. Karma is a round about.

Mr A. Simpson

From: Andrew Simpson
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 18:42:27 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Fw: enough is enough

Dear Mr Heron,

I do not know of the history between you and The Belgravia Centre but I did notice when discovering the duplicitous naming of ‘mispellings’ of the IOT that you had indeed spotted this yourself and wrote about it on your site which came up on a google search. I was therefore on your site and a little suprised to see a copy of my post that i sent to Belgravia which they posted in their blog (and did you see their defamatory image they ran alongside) and that you must have copied to yours.

What you have not seen is the subsequent correspondance which they decided not to publish - perhaps because they did not see an opportunity to feign probity or transparency and in fact felt that my emails contained too much damaging information. I could not possibly say or infer anything.

I actually have nothing against the company nor yours nor the industry. As a hairloss customer and sufferer (plus scientist), I simply dislike the way in which an entity purports to be beyond reproach but then is is exactly as guilty of what they deem shady pracitices themselves yet have the temerity (yes it’s all about the cheek, the nerve of it) to critisise others.

Therefore, I have forwarded you the rest of the thread for you to do with what you wish. (you may need to read from bottom and re-format a little - there is an other mail which i will also forward - i am not too good with email accounts etc.)

Personally I am all in favour of a public blog where customers and the public can speak freely without being edited. I think it speaks volumes that the blog conversation was truncated by their inaction (unless they were just delayed in replying in which case i look forward to their posting and answers). It indicates to me a certain degree of manipulation.

Isn’t it all a bit like MPs telling us to pay our taxes while they claim expenses for non-existant second homes? I mean we all know it goes on and dont really care but when they are so high and mighty themselves, it kind of puts your nose out of joint. Well lets see if The Belgravia Centre are humble enough now to eat some of the pie by the same name and stop all this slating others, behave reasonable, take down the offensive content and start putting right some wrongs.

Please note Mr Heron, I am not endorsing your position or the opposite - i have no clue about what private matters happened between the two of you.


Mr A Simpson

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Jonny, The Belgravia Centre
Date: Thu, May 7, 2009 at 3:36 PM
Subject: RE: enough is enough

Dear Sir

The fact that you have still not provided us with details of your address and place of work makes us suspicious of your real intentions. We are still unaware of your identity and who you might be acting on behalf of.

We will not be responding to any further comments or accusations. My absolute confidence in all of our services and all of our literature gives me no reason to justify any of our actions to a person who refuses to offer his identity. If you carry out further research on our website you will find answers to all of your questions.

If there is any form of misrepresentation or manipulation by yourself in any way we reserve the right to take proceedings against you.

Yours faithfully

Jonny Harris
Joint Managing Director

The Belgravia Centre
52 Grosvenor Gardens
London SW1W 0AU
020 7730 6666

From: Andrew Simpson

Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 1:59 AM
To: Jonny, The Belgravia Centre
Subject: Fw: enough is enough

Dear Mr Harris,

Despite not wishing to continue corresponding, I did notice that you have not included my reply in your blog. I wonder when you do have a chance to update the blog article you would like to include this email too and take the opportunity to explain to readers exactly what benefits are obtained from your steam therepy and UV and infra red light machines which you offer.

I and impartial readers would be grateful if you avoided a debate on semantics or exactly what you claim and therefore whether it is ‘legal’ or not but addressed the body of my complaint and that of the ethical dimension to your business. There are no proven benefits to these therapies whatsoever and the ASA i beleive ruled against another company advertising treatments using them. Therefore the ASA and their experts beleive these machines are of no value in treating hair loss and the company in question i beleive from reading the full adjudication, provided a full dossier of evidense from manufacturers.

Given you are so keen to point out the disgracful selling techniques and shoddy underworld of the industry, why do you offer this treatment programme?

Remember this is not about debating if you have claimed they do something medical, it is about why you offer them in the first place.

Should you publish this thread (unedited) it would be commendable on your part and i look forward (unsarcastically) to your reply by email and if you wish on your blog.

Of course it may be that since you are publishing my emails, i presume you would have no issue with me publishing your replies on a blog of my own should i set one up which of course would be ranked on Google hopefully with the right keywords and will like you allow people to make informed choices following your lead, as again like you, I also suffer with hair loss and appreciate the devestating psychological consequences it has for many people. I would like to invite other clinics to participate as then we can all thrash it out.

Again, you have nothing to fear because everything you do is not only perfectly legal but more important than claim smeantics, your whole business is morally and ethically beyond reproach.

The reason, and i apologise, for my anonymous status is because i am working for a drug company in the industry and i may get in trouble for making personal views within the industry i work (even though we are mainly drug research). Given the ruthless way you pursue, bully and critisise people i feel i have to protect my identity.


Mr A Simpson

— On Wed, 6/5/09, Andrew Simpson wrote:
From: Andrew Simpson
Subject: enough is enough
Date: Wednesday, 6 May, 2009, 11:50 AM
Dear Mr Harris,

First private correspondance between persons is confidential and therefore you are infringing my copyright by publishing it. It might sound counter-intuitive as you would think having sent an email to you that it becomes your property but in fact this is incorrect under English law. However i have no issue with you posting my comments. I only hope that you continue to and post this response.

The reason why i bring this up is because it is entirely consistent with your attitude (or really that of your companys’) that you would make the knee-jerk response that you have, assuming you are without reproach at all times.

Let me be clear. I will not and have never threatened you nor do i wish to make any threats or make this personal. But I must say i find your company’s attitude most aloof and it is for this reason I said that i have cached your pages because i anticipated that you would make changes to obfuscate your responsibilitites.

You spend an inordinate amount of time (even in your response to me) critisising others and it is not in my interest time-wise nor in terms of creating a level playing field in the longer term for others in the industry to now fore-warn you about your activities.

Paradoxically, I do accept and warmly congratulate you for being a company that in many respects is head and shoulders (pardon the pun) above others in terms of clarity and fairness to your customers. What i find objectionable is the way you seek to create conflict with competitors and suggest that you are the only company in the industry that has the same motives. You offer for sale unproven medical products which are unlicensed medicines. I wonder if you would have the email address for Mr Heron so that he can see this thread and respond himself.

There are a multitude of ways in which you break the UK medicines act and your reply only further aggravates your many and frequent contraventions of the law.

As for your response to the Hairmax complaint, it is quite ammusing that you do not find it inconsistent with your company’s self-appointed ‘white knight’ status that even if it is pointed out to you that the FDA approval of Hairmax is under the same category as a ‘vacuum-cap’ for hair loss and not proven for efficacy, but for safety and use as a hairloss device, that you only wish to reply that i should take that up with the manufacturers ergo - you are not concerned with proving efficacy for your customers but getting away with what you can. In any event, even is there was bone-fide FDA approval, it is irrelevant as the product would need MRHA approval to be sold in this country for the purposes which you sell it.

As you are so confident as to your company’s approach, i challenge you NOT to change a single thing on your website so that we can all judge in the future. I think your age may explain your brazen approach and I am surprised your father let you reply in this way. I do not intend to further correspond on this matter.

Mr A Simpson

Hi Mr Simpson

Thank you for your email.

The Belgravia Centre has been established for almost 20 years and we have never received a complaint of this nature. In fact it is extremely seldom that we receive any form of complaint about our services. The centre is the largest single hair clinic in the UK, employing a team of more than fifty and has developed an excellent reputation for not only the expert service it provides, but also for the very high level of success in stabilizing and even reversing hair loss in both males and females. The Belgravia Centre is also the only UK hair care centre that has an in-house registered pharmacy that is managed by a fully qualified and registered pharmacist and a full time state-registered doctor.

Although you have not presented yourself with any address or telephone details, nor any references as to your position we are always appreciative of opinions regarding the content on our site and completely transparent.

It is myself that is in charge of all of the content on the website. I am 26 years old and a hair loss sufferer myself and have been researching hair loss treatments for the almost 6+ years that I have been employed here. I am also the son of the chairman Michael Harris.

Firstly I’ll say that I have absolutely no problem with you ‘CACHING’ our website pages. You are acting as if this is a threat, but we have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of or concerned about within our content. I feel very strongly about providing the public with accurate and precise information and that is exactly what we set out to do on

You can look at our comments regarding other products and clinics as an attack if you wish, but the fact is we are providing factual information to the public so that they can make an informed decision of the products they wish to use going by the facts – not the information provided by the product itself which is often (usually, in fact) inaccurate. Many friends of mine and people that have visited the centre have almost lost hope because of products they have purchased that don’t work. Most of these people will never bother trying an alternative once they’ve been let down more than once by a product. Why should we sit back and let this happen when we are the experts, who know the facts and can offer a helping hand to people with lack of knowledge?

Our post on the Westminster Practice is in response to ongoing complaints about its owner and consultant, Gary Heron. We are very familiar with Heron because he previously worked as Belgravia’s clinic manager until he was dismissed for Gross Misconduct in 2001 when it was found out he was taking money from people’s credit card account without their consent. He is still carrying out this practice at his new centre. This is something I was well aware of when I joined the company and this experience, as well as many other similar ones, are the reason why I personally set out to offer a different, more open and factual approach to the general public through our website in order to create awareness.

Belgravia are one of the only clinics to provide all of the medically proven prescription medications for hair loss – these are the treatments offered because these are the ones that work. We are completely against offering non-proven products as an individual treatment for hair loss because quite simply there is no evidence that they work and we frequently hear reports from previous users that they don’t.

About our ‘booster’ products (Hair Vitalics, Medroxyprogesterone and Azelaic Acid). Nowhere do we state that these are proven treatments, or that they are effective if used individually for the prevention of hair loss. We simply state that they ‘help to block DHT topically and complement the proven treatments’ or ‘help to maintain and improve the quality of the hair’. After reviewing this following your comments I am however planning to add some further information for MPG and Azelaic Acid regarding their lack of firm clinical evidence as I agree that descriptions of these products may not fit exactly with our description of other similar products and we do not want to give the impression that the information on our own products contradicts our reports on others.

We are sure that we are not breaking any rules so have no problem with you reporting us to whichever body you feel necessary. We do not advertise prescription medications, we advertise ‘The Belgravia Centre’. Our treatment courses frequently consist of non-prescription products and medications and services for people who do not wish to use prescription medications or those with hair loss related to scalp problems so as I said, there are no rules being broken.

And regarding your comments about the LaserComb; before making such accusations you should get your facts right - If you want to take this matter up with HairMax then please contact them directly but we are going by information provided by them.

Regarding the FDA – we are not pretending anything. We clearly state that they are an American body ( and there is no reason why we can’t or shouldn’t refer to their approval on – it’s something that is recognised by medical specialists world-wide.

May I ask what drug company you work for? And if there are any specific products you are researching?

As I said, I am always open to constructive suggestions for our site and the information we provide so if there is anything you feel is incorrect regarding a specific product or clinic please let me know and I will be happy to amend it if you are correct in your assessment.

I thought that the correspondence between you and I would be an asset to our blog so I have added it as a post -

Yours sincerely

Jonny Harris
Joint Managing Director

The Belgravia Centre
52 Grosvenor Gardens
London SW1W 0AU
020 7730 6666
FACEBOOK - Become a Belgravia Centre Facebook fan and spread the word! Here’s our fan page -
From: Andrew Simpson
Sent: 05 May 2009 13:05
To: Info, The Belgravia Centre
Subject: Enough is enough…
To the Managing Director

As a science student losing his hair, I speak as one of a number of people i am sure, that is sick and tired of your company’s lofty attitude to the industry. Constantly attacking others businesses who you accuse of being scammers instead of just concentrating on your own business. I used to be a customer as well as now working in the pharmaceutical research business (specialising in hair loss technologies for an American drug company - actually doing real research) and know from the inside (as a customer) that you are just as commercial as anyone else and break as many laws in your own way. This email represents my own views and not that of my companys’, hense from a personal address. I just really dislike the way you do business and wish to tell you that.

I personally abhore the non-scientific way in which so many in the business of hairloss sell their products but find that your companty is barely any different except in the way in which you are openly hostile and critisise others when you have as much to be critised about yourselves.

You break so many rules it is jaw-dropping how you feel justified attacking others without any fear of recrimination. Perhaps this brazen attitude has grown over years of no-one reporting yourselves to the authorities or slating your company on their websites. Frankly more than anything else, i just wnat to know from a psychological perspective you justify this approach to yourselves? Do you beleive your own press? Is that it? Or do you think everone else is stupid and don’t know the law? Do you think if you attack enough and shout loud enough then people will assume you must be on the right side of the law in every respect or you’d be crazy to take that approach. I just cant figure it out.

So let me ask you some questions to get you thinking about what i’m thinking:

1. I beleive that you advertise unlicenced medicines without a marketing authorisation license. Is that true and if so, do you beleive that is legal? If you beleive it is not legal, why do you do it? and how do you dare critisise others for what they do if you beleive you have an aethical basis for selling the products which may work quite well but which you know are illegal to advertise for sale?

2. You state that your proprietory minoxidil preparations have regrowth effects (”boosters”). Are you planning to produce your clinical trials to substantiate your otherwise illegal claims. (ALL PAGES HAVE BEEN CACHED - I DIRECT YOU TO THE ASA RULING ON THIS MATTER)

3. The lasercomb (to take one example of your double standards with regard to products that do or do not meet your self-imposed standards) is not only a scam but one you profit from. I personally beleive that you know full well it is a scam. I think there once was a time (if not still today) when you sell time under laser lamps instore. There is no proof of efficacy at all for these devices. I invite you to do your research on what the device is actually FDA registered for (see wikipedia for one thing). None of this flimsy research data would get past the pre-clinicals - it is a joke that a company as stringent as yours purports to be on real efficaceous standards would sell this junk. In any event, even if you did beleive in these phoney trials, as you well know, the registration of FDA is irrelevant in the UK. The body of note in the UK is the MHRA. Why are you pretending you do not know this? Your advertising (ALL CACHED) of the lasercomb in this country is illegal in my view. As is the sale.

I could go on - i have cached all your your website - every page. Feel free to tell me you views on my email. As unlike youselves, it is not my style to go around bad-mouthing competitors or other scientists, and since really you have no impact on me other than you just annoy the hell out of me, I would like to know your plans before i make representations to the MRHA, ASA etc.


Mr A Simpson.

— On Wed, 6/5/09, Andrew Simpson wrote:

From: Andrew Simpson
Subject: enough is enough
Date: Wednesday, 6 May, 2009, 11:50 AM
Dear Mr Harris,

First private correspondance between persons is confidential and therefore you are infringing my copyright by publishing it. It might sound counter-intuitive as you would think having sent an email to you that it becomes your property but in fact this is incorrect under English law. However i have no issue with you posting my comments. I only hope that you continue to and post this response.

The reason why i bring this up is because it is entirely consistent with your attitude (or really that of your companys’) that you would make the knee-jerk response that you have, assuming you are without reproach at all times.

Let me be clear. I will not and have never threatened you nor do i wish to make any threats or make this personal. But I must say i find your company’s attitude most aloof and it is for this reason I said that i have cached your pages because i anticipated that you would make changes to obfuscate your responsibilitites.

You spend an inordinate amount of time (even in your response to me) critisising others and it is not in my interest time-wise nor in terms of creating a level playing field in the longer term for others in the industry to now fore-warn you about your activities.

Paradoxically, I do accept and warmly congratulate you for being a company that in many respects is head and shoulders (pardon the pun) above others in terms of clarity and fairness to your customers. What i find objectionable is the way you seek to create conflict with competitors and suggest that you are the only company in the industry that has the same motives. You offer for sale unproven medical products which are unlicensed medicines. I wonder if you would have the email address for Mr Heron so that he can see this thread and respond himself.

There are a multitude of ways in which you break the UK medicines act and your reply only further aggravates your many and frequent contraventions of the law.

As for your response to the Hairmax complaint, it is quite ammusing that you do not find it inconsistent with your company’s self-appointed ‘white knight’ status that even if it is pointed out to you that the FDA approval of Hairmax is under the same category as a ‘vacuum-cap’ for hair loss and not proven for efficacy, but for safety and use as a hairloss device, that you only wish to reply that i should take that up with the manufacturers ergo - you are not concerned with proving efficacy for your customers but getting away with what you can. In any event, even is there was bone-fide FDA approval, it is irrelevant as the product would need MRHA approval to be sold in this country for the purposes which you sell it.

As you are so confident as to your company’s approach, i challenge you NOT to change a single thing on your website so that we can all judge in the future. I think your age may explain your brazen approach and I am surprised your father let you reply in this way. I do not intend to further correspond on this matter.

Mr A Simpson

Hi Mr Simpson

Thank you for your email.

The Belgravia Centre has been established for almost 20 years and we have never received a complaint of this nature. In fact it is extremely seldom that we receive any form of complaint about our services. The centre is the largest single hair clinic in the UK, employing a team of more than fifty and has developed an excellent reputation for not only the expert service it provides, but also for the very high level of success in stabilizing and even reversing hair loss in both males and females. The Belgravia Centre is also the only UK hair care centre that has an in-house registered pharmacy that is managed by a fully qualified and registered pharmacist and a full time state-registered doctor.

Although you have not presented yourself with any address or telephone details, nor any references as to your position we are always appreciative of opinions regarding the content on our site and completely transparent.

It is myself that is in charge of all of the content on the website. I am 26 years old and a hair loss sufferer myself and have been researching hair loss treatments for the almost 6+ years that I have been employed here. I am also the son of the chairman Michael Harris.

Firstly I’ll say that I have absolutely no problem with you ‘CACHING’ our website pages. You are acting as if this is a threat, but we have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of or concerned about within our content. I feel very strongly about providing the public with accurate and precise information and that is exactly what we set out to do on

You can look at our comments regarding other products and clinics as an attack if you wish, but the fact is we are providing factual information to the public so that they can make an informed decision of the products they wish to use going by the facts – not the information provided by the product itself which is often (usually, in fact) inaccurate. Many friends of mine and people that have visited the centre have almost lost hope because of products they have purchased that don’t work. Most of these people will never bother trying an alternative once they’ve been let down more than once by a product. Why should we sit back and let this happen when we are the experts, who know the facts and can offer a helping hand to people with lack of knowledge?

Our post on the Westminster Practice is in response to ongoing complaints about its owner and consultant, Gary Heron. We are very familiar with Heron because he previously worked as Belgravia’s clinic manager until he was dismissed for Gross Misconduct in 2001 when it was found out he was taking money from people’s credit card account without their consent. He is still carrying out this practice at his new centre. This is something I was well aware of when I joined the company and this experience, as well as many other similar ones, are the reason why I personally set out to offer a different, more open and factual approach to the general public through our website in order to create awareness.

Belgravia are one of the only clinics to provide all of the medically proven prescription medications for hair loss – these are the treatments offered because these are the ones that work. We are completely against offering non-proven products as an individual treatment for hair loss because quite simply there is no evidence that they work and we frequently hear reports from previous users that they don’t.

About our ‘booster’ products (Hair Vitalics, Medroxyprogesterone and Azelaic Acid). Nowhere do we state that these are proven treatments, or that they are effective if used individually for the prevention of hair loss. We simply state that they ‘help to block DHT topically and complement the proven treatments’ or ‘help to maintain and improve the quality of the hair’. After reviewing this following your comments I am however planning to add some further information for MPG and Azelaic Acid regarding their lack of firm clinical evidence as I agree that descriptions of these products may not fit exactly with our description of other similar products and we do not want to give the impression that the information on our own products contradicts our reports on others.

We are sure that we are not breaking any rules so have no problem with you reporting us to whichever body you feel necessary. We do not advertise prescription medications, we advertise ‘The Belgravia Centre’. Our treatment courses frequently consist of non-prescription products and medications and services for people who do not wish to use prescription medications or those with hair loss related to scalp problems so as I said, there are no rules being broken.

And regarding your comments about the LaserComb; before making such accusations you should get your facts right - If you want to take this matter up with HairMax then please contact them directly but we are going by information provided by them.

Regarding the FDA – we are not pretending anything. We clearly state that they are an American body ( and there is no reason why we can’t or shouldn’t refer to their approval on – it’s something that is recognised by medical specialists world-wide.

May I ask what drug company you work for? And if there are any specific products you are researching?

As I said, I am always open to constructive suggestions for our site and the information we provide so if there is anything you feel is incorrect regarding a specific product or clinic please let me know and I will be happy to amend it if you are correct in your assessment.

I thought that the correspondence between you and I would be an asset to our blog so I have added it as a post -

Yours sincerely

Jonny Harris
Joint Managing Director

The Belgravia Centre
52 Grosvenor Gardens
London SW1W 0AU
020 7730 6666
FACEBOOK - Become a Belgravia Centre Facebook fan and spread the word! Here’s our fan page -
From: Andrew Simpson

Sent: 05 May 2009 13:05
To: Info, The Belgravia Centre
Subject: Enough is enough…
To the Managing Director

As a science student losing his hair, I speak as one of a number of people i am sure, that is sick and tired of your company’s lofty attitude to the industry. Constantly attacking others businesses who you accuse of being scammers instead of just concentrating on your own business. I used to be a customer as well as now working in the pharmaceutical research business (specialising in hair loss technologies for an American drug company - actually doing real research) and know from the inside (as a customer) that you are just as commercial as anyone else and break as many laws in your own way. This email represents my own views and not that of my companys’, hense from a personal address. I just really dislike the way you do business and wish to tell you that.

I personally abhore the non-scientific way in which so many in the business of hairloss sell their products but find that your companty is barely any different except in the way in which you are openly hostile and critisise others when you have as much to be critised about yourselves.

You break so many rules it is jaw-dropping how you feel justified attacking others without any fear of recrimination. Perhaps this brazen attitude has grown over years of no-one reporting yourselves to the authorities or slating your company on their websites. Frankly more than anything else, i just wnat to know from a psychological perspective you justify this approach to yourselves? Do you beleive your own press? Is that it? Or do you think everone else is stupid and don’t know the law? Do you think if you attack enough and shout loud enough then people will assume you must be on the right side of the law in every respect or you’d be crazy to take that approach. I just cant figure it out.

So let me ask you some questions to get you thinking about what i’m thinking:

1. I beleive that you advertise unlicenced medicines without a marketing authorisation license. Is that true and if so, do you beleive that is legal? If you beleive it is not legal, why do you do it? and how do you dare critisise others for what they do if you beleive you have an aethical basis for selling the products which may work quite well but which you know are illegal to advertise for sale?

2. You state that your proprietory minoxidil preparations have regrowth effects (”boosters”). Are you planning to produce your clinical trials to substantiate your otherwise illegal claims. (ALL PAGES HAVE BEEN CACHED - I DIRECT YOU TO THE ASA RULING ON THIS MATTER)

3. The lasercomb (to take one example of your double standards with regard to products that do or do not meet your self-imposed standards) is not only a scam but one you profit from. I personally beleive that you know full well it is a scam. I think there once was a time (if not still today) when you sell time under laser lamps instore. There is no proof of efficacy at all for these devices. I invite you to do your research on what the device is actually FDA registered for (see wikipedia for one thing). None of this flimsy research data would get past the pre-clinicals - it is a joke that a company as stringent as yours purports to be on real efficaceous standards would sell this junk. In any event, even if you did beleive in these phoney trials, as you well know, the registration of FDA is irrelevant in the UK. The body of note in the UK is the MHRA. Why are you pretending you do not know this? Your advertising (ALL CACHED) of the lasercomb in this country is illegal in my view. As is the sale.

I could go on - i have cached all your your website - every page. Feel free to tell me you views on my email. As unlike youselves, it is not my style to go around bad-mouthing competitors or other scientists, and since really you have no impact on me other than you just annoy the hell out of me, I would like to know your plans before i make representations to the MRHA, ASA etc.


Mr A Simpson.

The Hair Centre (Trichologists) Launch Blog. - Blogged

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Fact or Fiction: Prescription shampoos for scalp diseases cause hair damage.


The two most common scalp diseases are dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. People often view products that treat these conditions as harsh and medicinal. Some hair loss sufferers think they have to choose to live with the scalp problems rather than use with what they fear are harmful chemicals. However, technological now allow prescription shampoos to have the necessary medication to treat dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis while also containing the same mild cleansers found in cosmetic shampoos. When used properly, prescription shampoos can effectively help keep your hair healthy.

Why not call 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our Westminster Trichologists who will be happy to help and advise you.



So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.



However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.

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receives over 900 new visitors every day.

Fact or Fiction: Stress is one of the most common causes of Hair Loss:


In some cases, under extreme stress, hair loss can indeed occur, but stress is not a common cause of hair loss. The most common cause of hair loss is genetic.

Why not call 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our Westminster Trichologists who will be happy to help and advise you.



So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.



However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.

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receives over 900 new visitors every day.

Even Jon Bon Jovi Suffers From Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness can be distressing to the regular guy who has a regular haircut and does a regular job but if you are world famous rock star Jon Bon Jovi losing your hair can be catastrophic. Jon Bon Jovi over his career has been identified with his big hair and losing it is said to be causing him a lot of worry.

Jon who is 46 years old has been slowly cutting his hair back from his big hair rocking days in recent years which is a very sensible thing to do. Men who are suffering from male pattern baldness should never try to cover up their hair loss by growing their hair long because it will merely make it more obvious. Short hair is always the way forward to minimise the visual effects of male pattern baldness.

Rumour has it that Jon has started getting treatment for his male pattern baldness but it is not known whether he is using a hair loss drug. Many rock stars, celebrities and film stars whose images are part of their corporate identity often opt for hair transplant surgery when their hair loss becomes noticeable. John Travolta, Mel Gibson and Kevin Costner are all known to have made use of hair transplant surgery to beat the effects of male pattern baldness. We have also previously reported on the fact that Tom Hanks has made use of a hair loss drug with good effects.

You should take a decision about whether your hair is important you immediately when male pattern baldness begins to appear because the longer you delay doing something about it the more likely your treatment will be ineffective. Men who use hair loss drugs at the first sign of male pattern baldness have much higher success rate than those who delay taking it for a number of years.

Earlier Blog Story On Jon:

Why not call 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our Westminster Trichologists who will be happy to help and advise you.



So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.



However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.

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receives over 900 new visitors every day.

Fact or Fiction: Improper hair care can lead to hair loss


If you wear pigtails or cornrows or use tight hair rollers, the pull on your hair can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, your hair will grow back normally.

However, scarring can cause permanent damage to the hair and scalp. Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in perms may cause swelling of the hair follicle, which can also result in scarring and cause permanent hair loss.

Why not call 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our Westminster Trichologists who will be happy to help and advise you.



So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.



However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.

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receives over 900 new visitors every day.

Monday, 26 January 2009

MALE HAIR LOSS: Is There A Solution To MPB (Results In 3 Months)

Androgenetic alopecia has a characteristic pattern of hair loss; it begins with a slight recession at the front hairline and is followed by thinning on the crown of the head. This hair loss results from a complex chemical reaction when the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts the testosterone in the system into DHT or dihydrotestosterone. The hair follicles are genetically predisposed to be oversensitive to the DHT and become smaller and smaller with time, leading to the eventual hair loss.

Male Pattern Baldness (MPB): The most common type of hair loss that is caused by hormones, genes and age, and is usually progressive in nature. It affects the central and frontal area of the scalp and often results in a pronounced U-Shape configuration.

The gradual or more sudden loss of hair can be a very emotional experience for any man. The effects of hair loss can cause anxiety and depression. This is compounded by feelings of helplessness if there is no solution available. Here is a solution:

This young man is using the treatments listed below:

Vitastim 15% Hair Regrowth Stimulant and Hair Loss Stabiliser
This stimulant is recommended to help stabilise hair loss and strengthen existing hair. It is a natural hop-based solution that works as a vasodilator to increase blood circulation in the scalp and so enable healthy hair growth.

Biostim 15% Hair Regrowth Stimulant and Hair Loss Stabiliser
This stimulant contains a multi-vitamin complex to stimulate the hair follicles and increase hair cell production and proliferation. It is also designed to prolong the hair growth cycle, promoting increased hair growth and density.


Why not call 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our Westminster Trichologists who will be happy to help and advise you.



So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.



However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.


I think I have Male Pattern Hair Loss. What shall I do?


We prescribed the following treatments:
Minoxidil 5%+ Hair Growth Stimulant: Minoxidil is a vasodilator and dilates the blood capillaries responsible for blood supply to the hair follicles, thus allowing more blood to reach the hair follicles and encourage hair growth.
Biostim 15% Hair Regrowth Stimulant and Hair Loss Stabiliser:This stimulant contains a very effective natural 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. It reduces the amount of 5-alpha reductase in the scalp and thereby reduces the formation of DHT, stabilising hair loss and encouraging a healthy growth cycle.

Simply call 0207 976 6868 and speak directly to one of our Westminster Trichologists today.

So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.
However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.

Does LaserComb stop hair loss? The evidence is thin

Popular hand-held laser device LaserComb might revive follicles for some men. Maybe.

Americans spend billions on hair-care products each year, a remarkable investment for a part of the body with no real function. We clean it, nourish it and style it — and we definitely mourn its loss.
Lots of products and procedures promise to restore thinning or disappearing hair. One especially intriguing option is the HairMax LaserComb, a hand-held laser device that supposedly revives hair follicles. Hailed on TV news programs as a potential “cure for baldness,” the device received FDA clearance for men in 2007. Unlike drugs, most medical devices can be approved without rigorous testing. A company must merely persuade the Food and Drug Administration that the new device is “substantially equivalent” to other products already on the market. In this case, the makers of the LaserComb told the agency that their product was roughly as safe and effective as a wide range of other laser devices, including a gadget intended to kill lice. They also claimed to be in the same league as the Evans Vacuum Cap, an early 20th century hair-growth contraption that’s pretty much what it sounds like.
The LaserComb is sold online and through the SkyMall catalog for about $500.
Users are instructed to slowly move the comb back and forth through their remaining hair for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, three days a week.
The claims
According to the HairMax website, “90% of HairMax users notice positive benefits starting in as little as 8 weeks. These results include: increased hair growth, cessation of hair loss, faster growing hair, more manageability and more vibrant color.”
David Michaels, the managing director of Lexington International, the company behind the LaserComb, says it works by “transferring light energy to cellular energy” in the follicles. The device can’t restore hair to a bald spot, he says, but it can make any remaining hair grow “faster, thicker, heavier and stronger.”
The bottom line
Lasers can undoubtedly encourage hair growth, says Dr. Marc Avram, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City.
In fact, a small percentage of people who undergo laser hair removal end up with more hair than they had to start with. As Avram and colleagues noted in a 2007 issue of the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, many hair-loss centers offer treatment with low-level laser devices, and some patients really do seem to benefit. Nobody knows why hair responds to lasers, he explains, although it’s possible that the beams somehow encourage blood flow to the follicles.
Still, according to Avram, there’s no good evidence that the LaserComb works any better than more-established treatments such as the prescription medications Rogaine or Propecia. For his patients who are unwilling or unable to use the medications, he says that the device could be worth a try. The LaserComb is safe, he says, and it just might help. “But I set low expectations for it.”
Avram recently tested the HairMax LaserComb on a handful of patients in his office over six months. (Contrary to claims made for the LaserComb, Avram says, it takes at least six months to see real results from any hair-loss treatment.)
“In 20% of the subjects, it seemed to maybe have an effect” on the appearance of hair, Avram says. The study hasn’t been published yet, and it didn’t include a control group for the sake of comparison. Avram readily admits his study “isn’t definitive,” but he hopes it might encourage more research in the future.
By contrast, Rogaine and Propecia have already been tested in multiple high-quality studies and have been shown to stop hair loss in 80% to 90% of patients, Avram says.
Uncertainty aside, the LaserComb has clearly captured the public’s imagination. Patients ask about it “all the time,” says Dr. Paradi Mirmirani, a dermatologist with the Kaiser Permanente Vallejo Medical Center and a member of the North American Hair Research Society. Mirmirani says the device could potentially stimulate hair growth. “But I don’t have any evidence. If patients want to spend $500 on this device, it’s their choice. But I wouldn’t recommend it. They should save it for something that we know actually works.”
Last May, the FDA issued a warning letter against Lexington International for illegally marketing the device to women when it had been officially cleared only for men. The HairMax website now says that the device is intended for men only, but recorded messages for callers on hold to customer service still say that it “works equally well on both men and women” and that “anyone of any age, male or female, can benefit.”
Michaels says the company has asked the FDA for approval to market the device to women and expects a decision soon.

Why not call 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our Westminster Trichologist who will be happy to help and advise you.
Your initial consultation and assessment are free.
This will confirm what is the very best option for you.
So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.
Take control of your hair loss today so that it does not control your life.
However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.


FDA has approved Propecia for hair loss, making it the first such treatment for men in pill form. The following can be used to answer questions:
The active ingredient in Propecia is finasteride. Finasteride was approved initially in 1992 as Proscar, a treatment for prostate enlargement. There is 1 mg of finasteride in Propecia and 5 mg in Proscar. It was observed that some patients being treated for prostate enlargement had some regrowth of hair in areas of male pattern hair loss.
The sponsor studied 1 mg of finasteride and demonstrated hair growth in male pattern hair loss. The number of hairs increased in the anterior midscalp and vertex. Patient self-assessment of hair growth was also superior to placebo. Side effects were infrequent and were related to sexual function.
The drug will not be marketed for women because it causes birth defects, and the safety and efficacy have not been established in women.
Recently, FDA’s Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drugs Advisory Committee discussed Propecia. The committee offered labeling suggestions in the context of an overall generally favorable discussion. Merck & Co. of West Point, Pa.,manufactures both Proscar and Propecia.
FDA Talk Papers are prepared by the Press Office to guide FDA personnel in responding with consistency and accuracy to questions from the public on subjects of current interest. Talk Papers are subject to change as more information becomes available.

Why not call 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our Westminster Trichologist who will be happy to help and advise you.
Your initial consultation and assessment are free.
This will confirm what is the very best option for you.
So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.
Take control of your hair loss today so that it does not control your life.
However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.

Different Hair Loss Needs Different Treatment

People must understand the difference between Male Pattern Baldness and other types of hair loss that can be aggravated by stress (Alopecia). Male Pattern Baldness is a hereditary genetic condition and isn’t made any worse by stress. On the other hand some hair loss conditions like alopecia areata can be initiated by stress and anxiety.
People who have extremely stressful lives can sometimes trigger off alopecia areata where their hair starts to fall out in big clumps which in turn increases their stress and aggravates the hair loss condition even more. Alopecia areata is a pretty rare condition which is initiated when psychological or physical stress completely disrupts the body’s immune system which makes it attack hair follicles at the root and destroy them.
Alopecia areata is brought on by completely different things to Male Pattern Baldness and thus must be treated differently. Many people assume that hair loss is all the same and thus can be treated in the same way but this is not the case. You should always get professional advice from a Westminster Trichologist before getting treatment for any type of hair loss.
Male Pattern Baldness can be treated by using the drug Propecia but it will have no affect whatsoever on men and women who suffer from alopecia areata. In the same way treatments for alopecia areata which include the use of anti anxiety drugs and counselling on learning how to deal with stress, will not have any effect on men who are suffering from Male Pattern Baldness.
There are quite a few different types of hair loss which affect men and women and statistics show that those people who go and get a Westminster Trichologist’s consultation are far more likely to reverse hair loss than those who don’t.

Why not call 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our Westminster Trichologist who will be happy to help and advise you.
Your initial consultation and assessment are free.
This will confirm what is the very best option for you.
So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.
Take control of your hair loss today so that it does not control your life.
However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.


New Genetic Hair Loss Breakthrough

The big thing in the world of hair loss research at the moment is genes. Scientists have the located a number of genetic structures which appear in men and women who suffer from hair loss of many different types. Specific genes have been seen to cause male pattern baldness and scientists are working on drugs which could prevent the activation of these genes and thus completely eradicate hereditary hair loss and men in the future.
Recently scientists made another breakthrough which could target men and women who suffer from a very rare form of hereditary hair loss called Maria Unna Hereditary Hypotrichosis (MUHH) which occurs in people who suffer from congenital atrichia. This rare condition produces complete hair loss all over the body when still an infant and the hair never grows back.
Recently scientists working at the Peking Union Medical College in Beijing observed that mutations in a particular compound caused this very rare type of hair loss, and they said that by understanding the mechanisms of this complicated chemical process they were getting a step closer to finding a remedy for all types of genetic hair loss.
Dr Xue Zhang explained that by preventing the production of a gene called HR the hair loss was activated and thus they have began to understand that the HR levels had to be maintained at a certain level to stop the hair loss occuring. Dr Zhang’s Research has been published in the medical journal Nature Genetics.
Men and women who are suffering from genetic hair loss however should not start to rejoice too early because it is unlikely that any serious medication to treat genetic hair loss will be on the market within a decade. The processes and mechanisms of male pattern baldness are extremely complex and scientists say that they have only seen the tip of the iceberg.

Why not call 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our Westmisnter Trichologist who will be happy to help and advise you.
Your initial consultation and assessment are free.
This will confirm what is the very best option for you.
So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.
Take control of your hair loss today so that it does not control your life.
However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.



Reduces DHTa, a key cause of hair loss
PROPECIA significantly reduces DHT, a key cause of hair loss, by inhibiting the formation of DHT in your scalp.
Lowering DHT appears to inhibit the further shrinking of affected hair follicles.
DHT is a substance in the body that can shrink the hair follicle until it no longer produces visible hair. Scientists believe DHT and family history are key factors in hair loss. Learn more about the causes of male pattern hair loss.
PROPECIA blocks the formation of DHT and, in this way, appears to interrupt the development of male pattern hair loss.
PROPECIA helps reduce further hair loss and regrow visible hair.
PROPECIA is the first and only FDA-approved pill proven to treat male pattern hair loss on the vertex (top of head) and anterior mid-scalp area (middle front of head) in men.
Important Information About PROPECIA
PROPECIA was developed to treat mild to moderate male pattern hair loss on the vertex (top of head) and anterior mid-scalp area (middle front of head) in MEN ONLY. There is not sufficient evidence that PROPECIA works for receding hairlines at the temples.
PROPECIA is for the treatment of male pattern hair loss in MEN ONLY and should NOT be used by women or children.
Women who are or may potentially be pregnant must not use PROPECIA and should not handle crushed or broken PROPECIA tablets because the active ingredient may cause abnormalities of a male baby’s sex organs. If a woman who is pregnant comes into contact with the active ingredient in PROPECIA, a doctor should be consulted. PROPECIA tablets are coated and will prevent contact with the active ingredient during normal handling, provided that the tablets are not broken or crushed.
In clinical studies for PROPECIA, a small number of men experienced certain sexual side effects, such as less desire for sex, difficulty in achieving an erection, or a decrease in the amount of semen. Each of these side effects occurred in less than 2% of men and went away in men who stopped taking PROPECIA because of them.
You may need to take PROPECIA daily for 3 months or more before you see a benefit from taking PROPECIA. If PROPECIA has not worked for you within 12 months, further treatment is unlikely to be of benefit.
PROPECIA can only work over the long term if you continue taking it. If you stop taking PROPECIA, you will likely lose any hair you have gained within 12 months of stopping treatment.
Although results will vary, generally you will not be able to grow back all the hair you have lost.
Know the facts. PROPECIA is available by prescription only, so the best thing to do is talk with your doctor.
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Why not call 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our Westminster Trichologist who will be happy to help and advise you.
Your initial consultation and assessment are free.
This will confirm what is the very best option for you.
So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.
Take control of your hair loss today so that it does not control your life.
However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.
