Wednesday, 18 July 2007

I Have Hair Loss. What Can I do?

Question: I have a receding hairline. Now, I am getting a bald spot on the top of my head. What should be my first course of action to save my hair?
Answer: The first course of action should be to see one of our trichologists who understands the male pattern balding (MPB) process. He will examine the hair on different parts of your scalp and look for the amount of miniaturization that you are showing in various locations. The things he will identify will not be the level that you can see with the naked eye as balding occurs slowly and insidiously and can not be picked up without high powered examination of the hair. Based upon a proper examination, he should develop a master plan for you that will cover your worst case scenario and probably include the use of medications for MPB if that is your diagnosis.

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