Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Male Hair Loss In A 25 Year Old Being Treated (UPDATE)

ALOPECIA AREATA Minoxidil, COMBAT HAIR LOSS (How To Grow Your Hair Back)Gary Heron, GENERAL HAIR LOSS London Trichology Centre, HAIR LOSS FACTS trichology institute, HAIR LOSS VIDEOS trichology, HAIR LOSS: TRICHOLOGIST AT WORK by Gary Heron, HAIR SCIENCE Trichology Institutes, MALE HAIR LOSS trichologist, PHOTO FILES (from our London Trichology Clinic), TRICHOLOGICAL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE, TRICHOTALK by Gary Heron Trichologist

This Patient came to us in early April this year. He is suffering from severe Male Pattern Hair Loss (MPB).

(Before) APRIL 2008 TO JULY 2008 (After)

We prescribed the following treatments:

Minoxidil 5%+ Medroxy Progesterone Hair Growth Stimulant: Minoxidil is a vasodilator and dilates the blood capillaries responsible for blood supply to the hair follicles, thus allowing more blood to reach the hair follicles and encourage hair growth. Medroxy Progesterone is a synthetic hormone designed to block the conversion of testosterone to DHT or Dihydro-Testosterone.

Biostim 15%: This stimulant contains a very effective natural 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. It reduces the amount of 5-alpha reductase in the scalp and thereby reduces the formation of DHT, stabilising hair loss and encouraging a healthy growth cycle.



Why not call 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our trichologist who will be happy to help and advise you.

Your initial consultation and assessment are free.

So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.

Take control of your hair loss today so that it does not control your life.

However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.

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