Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Mens Health:Trichologist Gary Heron - Splitting hairs: We sort fact from fiction when it comes to your hair. Can baldness be cured?

Mens Health:Trichologist Gary Heron - Splitting hairs: We sort fact from fiction when it comes to your hair. Can baldness be cured?

Posted by Gary, on June 10th, 2008, under ALOPECIA AREATA Minoxidil, COMBAT HAIR LOSS (How To Grow Your Hair Back)Gary Heron, FEMALE HAIR LOSS trichologist, GENERAL HAIR LOSS London Trichology Centre, HAIR LOSS FACTS trichology institute, HAIR LOSS VIDEOS trichology, HAIR LOSS: TRICHOLOGIST AT WORK by Gary Heron, HAIR SCIENCE Trichology Institutes, HAIRMAX LASERCOMB, MALE HAIR LOSS trichologist, PHOTO FILES (from our London Trichology Clinic), TRICHOLOGICAL PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE, TRICHOTALK by Gary Heron Trichologist

Splitting Hairs

We sort fact from fiction when it comes to your hair

Can baldness be cured?

“Take the legs of a newt, the fingernails of an insurance salesman…” Amid the bogus pills, internet potions and improbable scalp-weaves there’s genuine hope for the six million Brits afflicted by male pattern baldness (MPB). “Among the estimated 300,000 hair loss treatments available, two have been clinically proven to slow MPB and help re-growth,” says Gary Heron, trichologist at The Hair Centre in London. They are finasteride (available as the one-a-day private prescription pill Propecia) and minoxidil, an externally applied solution sold as Regaine. Research in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found 80% of men using finasteride retained more hair than placebo-takers, and two thirds actually re-grew hair. Roughly half of men using minoxidil staved off further balding, and 15% recorded re-growth

Does baldness come from my Mum’s side?

Tony Soprano could pin plenty on his ma, but like any thinning man he can’t let the maternal side of the family take the full rap for his forehead expansion. “Genetics do play a major part in male pattern baldness, but the gene can come from either parent,” says Heron. Just because your Dad’s as bald as Britney in breakdown, it doesn’t mean you will be, but your grandma’s wispy moustache doesn’t mean she’s in the clear: “MPB can often skip a generation,” adds Heron.

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