Thursday, 19 June 2008

Why Choose Us When The Choice Is Growing?

Up until 10 years ago if you were losing your hair or were suffering from a scalp disorder or a stress orientated hair loss problem your choices were limited.

You could contact your GP who might be sympathetic but generally dismissive and clueless or contact one of the 3 or 4 trichological clinics that there were in London in those days.


Now it’s a minefield, there are hundreds it seems and new ones springing up and disappearing overnight.

So how do you choose a top hair expert (trichologist), a specialist that really knows what they are talking about?

Quite simply interview them. Phone them up and talk to them, find out how they work and what their results are.

Book in for a one to one consultation with a verified trichologist. If you are not getting an open reply or you feel uncomfortable on the phone then simply move on and try the next one, the choice is huge.

Be wary of the large commercial clinics or centres that spend all their time talking about competition on their websites when they should be focusing on you the patient.

These centres only attack other centres when they have something to hide.

The key is to talk to our centre and make us work for you the patient.

Ask us to try and give you the answers over the phone.

There really is nothing too difficult here as we are truly confident that we provide the very best all round treatments and patient care that is second to none.

It is critical that your choice is correct in the first instance as a year wasted at the wrong centre or on the wrong treatments can be the difference between success and failure and a regret that is with you for life.


With over 25 years’ experience in the treatment of hair loss and scalp disorders why not try us first.

Simply call 0207 976 6868 and speak directly to one of our trichologists today.

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