Friday, 2 November 2007

After Just 12 Months Of Treatment.

After Just 12 Months Of Treatment.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

photo106.jpg photo1071.jpg February 2006

photo-0104.jpg photo-0065.jpg March 2007

It’s never too late to make a start.

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2 Responses to “After Just 12 Months Of Treatment.”

  1. Peggy Says:

    12 months of treatment on what? Your hair looks great!

  2. Gary Says:

    Dear Peggy, this patient has used a 15% solution of Biostim every morning and evening for the past 12 months and it has thickened her hair up all the way throughout the hair line as you can see in the photographs.

    This is just one example of the type of responses our patients achieve here at the Westminster Practice.

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