Friday, 2 November 2007

How Much Hair Will I Lose?

How Much Hair Will I Lose?

Question: Is there a normal amount of hair loss due to MPB or is it completely unpredictable? I am in my late 20s and would like to monitor my front hairline and calculate how bad it will get and whether I feel that I need to do something about it now before it is too late. I have been using Propecia for 6 months as directed, but I am shedding hair so fast I am afraid that I will be very bald before it stabilises. What can I do?

Answer: Hair loss prediction is difficult. The best thing to do is to have a look at your family history on both sides, look at the various forms of balding there and try to identify one person that matches the timing and pattern of your hair loss. Generally speaking, those people who will become very bald, show their thinning or balding pattern well before the age of 30. You are in the group where anything is possible, so look to your family patterns.

As far as Propecia is concerned it starts to become effective after about 9 months if it is going to work in your particular case.

Please note the side effects as there are alternatives such as Biostim available through your trichologist.

If the Propecia is not working for you seek advice from one of our trichologists, as there are always better combinations of treatments available, as combination theraphy is the most successful todate.

Hear are a few examples of some of the results we achieve:

photo-0057.jpg photo178.jpg photo901.jpg photo-0121.jpg

For a Free Consultation or Advice call 020 7976 6868

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