Friday, 2 November 2007

Procerin - Does It Work?

Procerin - Does It Work?
Question: I have seen on a website that a product called procerin has a higher rating higher than propecia. Procerin’s website, elaborates on their product. I was about to order some procerin, when my girlfriend heard your advert on the radio and I checked out your website, and read about Dutasteride. Are you familiar with Procerin ? Also could a trichologist prescribe Dutasteride to patients before it has FDA approval ?
Answer: The product you described, like many other similar products, adhere to a very loose standard for the health food additives which are naturally found in the environment. There are many natural herbs that are poisonous as well. There is no requirement for any of these products to prove effectiveness or safety, unlike those that go through the rigorous FDA process. This is the reason that I maintain what I believe is a healthy scepticism for these products. The same is true for my attitude for prescribing Dutasteride for hair loss, which has not been shown to be both safe and effective for hair loss. I am familiar with hearsay reports that the libido impact is greater for dutasteride than with Propecia and the drug has a very long half life, which means that it takes months to get out of your system. If you should take Dutasteride and develop a libido problem (for example), it may take 6-12 months for it to rectify, while with Propecia is would disappear in weeks. I personally would not be against prescribing Dutasteride, but I have not done so yet. My motto, like any good trichologists philosophy must be “Above all, do no harm and safety first”.
It should be noted that the link on that site you mentioned is an affiliate link to the Procerin site, meaning that Procerin pays that site if people use their link to buy the product. In that regard, it would seem that it’s in that site’s best interest to highly recommend Procerin.This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 18th, 2007 at 1:31 pm and is filed under TrichoTalk. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry.

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