I Am 25 Year Old Woman With Hair Loss. What Can I Do?
Question: I am 25 year old woman. Up until now I have not had any hair problems whatsoever. But for the past 6 months I have been losing my hair at speed. My front hairline is getting much wider and is getting thinner by the day. Both of my parents have really goods heads of hair, in fact, no one in our whole family has any hair loss. What can I do so that I can get my lost hair back? Is this possible?
Answer: I would first have a good trichologist see you and look for medical causes of hair loss (these can be numerous). The following problems are amongst those that should be considered: anemia, thyroid disease, connective tissue disease, various gynecological conditions and emotional stress. It is also important to review the use of medications that can cause hair loss, such as oral contraceptives, beta-blockers, Vitamin A, and thyroid drugs. Many other medications can also contribute to hair loss so if you are taking any drugs of any type, then that should be looked into as well.
It is possible that a medical condition may be the cause of your hair loss, so before you jump to conclusions that you have genetic hair loss, I would have you checked out for these conditions by one of our trichologists.
So when you have a moment why not call us on 020 7976 6868 and take some advice.
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