Friday, 2 November 2007

Why You Should Try Us First.

Why You Should Try Us First.

First consultation and assessment is free with the trichologist.

Professional one to one consultation with same day diagnosis and treatments (duration 1 hour).

You will not be made to feel like you are being processed. Here at our practice you are a person and not a number.

24/7 after care service.

Not tied to any one pharmacy. Which means we provide the very best treatments available direct to the patient.

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Clarity in treatment program.

Regular check ups with a trichologist every visit, so that your questions are answered about your on going progress, you are monitored and your treatments are adjusted as you respond to treatment.

Fees are regulated so that we as a practice are far more economical than our nearest neighbours. We know this as we do not need to advertise in the commercial sector ie national press advertising.

Our reputation is second to none which means we have a referal waiting list at present.

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Please call daily for cancellation check up places as these appointments are reused in order to reduce our waiting list and are freed up daily by midday for additional afternoon initial consultation appointments.

Before you start treatment or if you are having treatment elsewhere why not consult us and see if we can help.

Call: 020 7976 6868



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