Monday, 12 November 2007

You are a man who has gradually lost hair in the front or on the top of your head and has relatives with similar hair loss patterns? What have I got?

You are a man who has gradually lost hair in the front or on the top of your head and has relatives with similar hair loss patterns? What have I got?

Symptoms: You are a man who has gradually lost hair in the front or on the top of your head and has relatives with similar hair loss patterns?

Diagnosis: You have a classic MPB (male pattern baldness).

Action To Be Taken: Prescription medicines are available to treat male-pattern baldness. See your trichologist. He or she will determine which treatment is right for you.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 4th, 2007 at 3:17 pm and is filed under TrichoTalk, Hair Loss. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry. are a man who has gradually lost hair in the front or on the top of your head and has relatives with similar hair loss patterns? What have I got? digg:You are a man who has gradually lost hair in the front or on the top of your head and has relatives with similar hair loss patterns? What have I got? reddit:You are a man who has gradually lost hair in the front or on the top of your head and has relatives with similar hair loss patterns? What have I got?

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