I Have An Itchy Scalp. What Can I Do?
Question: I have a very itchy scalp. The itch is especially at the back of the head around the neck and just above the front of my hairline.When I get hot through sport it is very itchy all over the scalp. My scalps is very scaly all over. What is it? Have I caught something? I have tried different shampoos but nothing seems to help. What can I do?
Answer: Relax it doesn’t sound like head lice. You are describing seborrheic dermatitis this causes just the symptoms that you describe, flaky skin all over the scalp, affecting the nape of the neck, behind the ears and around the front hairline. It is a type of ezcema and coal-tar based shampoos are usually recommended, although these can be very drying to your hair. Shampoos containing tea-tree oil are a useful alternative but try and avoid those with strong colourings as these can just make the problem worse. Seborrheic dermatitis is also linked to skin problems such as you describe affecting your face.
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