Monday, 12 November 2007

Follicultis Decalvans - Question: Is It Treatable? Answer: Yes. (See Our Results).

Follicultis Decalvans - Question: Is It Treatable? Answer: Yes. (See Our Results).

Folliculitis decalvans is a slowly spreading inflammation of the hair follicle, which leads to progressive scarring.

It is distinguished by follicular plugging and multiple rounded or oval patches can be found on the scalp, each surrounded by crops of follicular pustules. There may be no other changes, but successive crops of pustules, each followed by the destruction of the affected follicles, produce the slow extension of the alopecia. The exact cause of this condition is still uncertain, but is most likely an abnormal ‘host response’ to various common bacteria.

Here are our results:

photo654.jpgphoto653.jpgphoto652.jpg March 2006

photo-0414.jpgphoto-0415.jpgphoto-0416.jpg March 2007

For further advice just telephone 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our trichologists today.

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