Monday, 12 November 2007

Have you used chemicals on your hair, or have you worn tight braids or cornrows in the past? What to do?

Have you used chemicals on your hair, or have you worn tight braids or cornrows in the past? What to do?

Symptoms: Have you used chemicals on your hair, or have you worn tight braids or cornrows in the past?

Diagnosis: You may be suffering from Follicular Damage and this causes hair loss.

Action To Be Taken: Cornrows, braids and tight ponytails can break and damage your hair. Secure hair with clips and grips aviod rubber bands and do not tie your hair too tightly. Avoid the use of harsh chemicals on your hair and scalp, as they will also result in hair loss. If problems still persist speak to one of our trichologists on 020 7976 6868.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 4th, 2007 at 5:05 pm and is filed under TrichoTalk, Hair Loss. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Edit this entry. you used chemicals on your hair, or have you worn tight braids or cornrows in the past? What to do? digg:Have you used chemicals on your hair, or have you worn tight braids or cornrows in the past? What to do? reddit:Have you used chemicals on your hair, or have you worn tight braids or cornrows in the past? What to do?

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