Friday, 2 November 2007

Why Should I Use a Follicle Builder?

Why Should I Use a Follicle Builder?

Follicle Builder: Herbal based aqueous lotion applied topically to increase cell metabolism at the dermal papilla and increased nutrient flow to the hair root and growth matrix.

Mode of Action: Soy extracts have been shown to stimulate increased cell metabolism at the dermal papilla with increased hair cell production (Mytosis). A synergistic effect is achieved using phyto-active herbal extracts, which can increase the nutrient concentration at the growth centre of the hair bulb, augmented with multivitamins and trace elements. The anagen/telogen (A/T) ratio is increased with extended hair growth cycle.

Clinical Trials: Research data has shown increased hair cell metabolism and increased epidermal microcirculation with decreased hair loss and an improved A/T ratio with consequent improved cosmetic appearance and overall hair density.

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